
Start the bot

Run with no arguments to get the help string:

$ botibal [-h] [-d] (-b | -m | -q) config_file database_file

positional arguments:
  config_file      configuration file
  database_file    data storage file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug      set logging to DEBUG
  -b, --botibal    BotiBal, the silly bot
  -m, --minibal    MiniBal, the minimalist bot
  -q, --quizzibal  QuizziBal, the quizzical bot

To start MiniBal:

$ botibal -m ~/botibal/config.ini ~/botibal/botibal.db

Chat commands

The available commands depend on which bot is running, and are split as follows:

  • MUC - command execution (say/display something);
  • PM - bot admin:
    • add, delete and list elements,
    • change bot status,
    • send instructions that will result in the bot sending messages to the MUC.

The bots’ internal command interface is derived from argparse, interaction is thus very similar to running programs from the command-line (see the Examples section).

Once the bot is online and connected to a groupchat, you can:

  • get help for MUC commands
    • list all available commands: <bot_nick>: -h
    • get help for a given command: <bot_nick>: <command> -h
  • execute MUC commands: <bot_nick>: command [args]
  • get help for PM commands:
    • list all available commands: -h
    • get help for a given command: <command> -h
  • execute PM commands: command [args]